Interest Details (Tiers)

This section shows the amount of interest paid and charged on long and short cash balances respective. This section also displays the amount of interest paid on short sale proceeds cash balances.

Field Description
Account ID The account number.
Account Alias Account alias, if there is one.
Model Model, if applicable.
Currency The currency denomination of interest.
FX Rate to Base The conversion rate from asset currency to base currency.
Interest Type The interest type.
Value Date The date used to determine the interest details.
Tier Break The tier number.
Balance Threshold See Interest and Financing for more information.
Securities Principal The amount in the security segment.
Commodities Principal The amount in the futures segment.
Rate See Interest and Financing for more information.
Securities Interest The interest earned in the security segment.
Commodities Interest The interest earned in the futures segment.
Total Interest The sum of security interest and futures interest.
FromAcct The source account.
ToAcct The destination account.
Code The code abbreviation.